
Don't even think about using the UL tag set-up for your pages. They won't look the same in different browsers and you'll get nothing but complaints.

Method 1

For an all-around great method that works with most browsers and all monitor resolutions, use a transparent spacer.gif to force your text off of the border design. Place this coding right after your body background, text and links tags:

<table><tr><td valign=left align=top><img src="spacer.gif" height=1 width=110></td>
<td valign=left align=top width=100%>

Now you type the body of your text and then right at the very end of your page, just before the closing body and html tags, put this:


Most of my border designs are 100 pixels wide but if you use borders that are either narrower or wider, you can still use this method by using a transparent .gif that's narrower or wider. I've made some in different sizes just in case you don't have a program like Paint Shop Pro to create your own. For most of my designs, Spacer 3 (110x1) is the one that you'll want to use but I've zipped up five different sizes for you:

Download the spacer.gifs zipped. (5kb)

Method 2

To use a border design on your web pages so that your text is aligned properly for both Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers, place this code in your HTML document just after the body background and text color tags:
<table width=80% align=right><tr><td>

again, most of my border designs are 100 pixels wide but if you use borders that are either narrower or wider, you can still use this method by adjusting the table width. At the very end of your page, just before the closing body & html tags, close your table like this:

The only problem this setup causes is when someone is viewing your pages with a monitor resolution of 640x480. Anything larger than that, it'll work fine. A lot of the manufacturers are now shipping their monitors at higher resolutions so eventually this won't be an issue.

My Wide Borders

With these wider borders, it doesn't matter what monitor resolution your visitor has. All these designs are 1024 pixels wide and depending on what their resolution is set at.......your visitors will see either a little or a lot of the color that's to the right. All your text will be placed in the left-hand part of the border and like my other border designs, your page is set in a table. Right after your body background and text/link color tags, use this HTML:

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td align=top valign=left vspace=0 hspace=0 width=500>

Now you can do the rest of your page as you normally would, including other tables if you want. Just remember to close THIS table at the very end of your page just before the closing body and html tags like this:


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Ace of Space Graphics©1996-1997